What a start to the year, not only have we managed to get a week back up in the Lake District for a combined holiday plus scouting mission, where we managed to get a couple of pics worth keeping, but we’ve just had our first Art Show of the year (https://www.longwickartshow.co.uk/) which proved to be a resounding success – with all but one of the pictures on show being sold!
Add to that, news that we’d been awarded the Photographers Bar by The Guild of Photographers (https://photoguild.co.uk/) – an award given for showing commitment, skill and consistency across a year’s worth of images presented in the monthly competition - which led to an article in the local newspaper (https://www.bucksherald.co.uk/news/people/ian-austin-princes-risborough-scoops-prestigious-photography-prize-1885337) highlighting what we’d achieved.
Further to that, we’ve got another long weekend in the Lake District to look forward to in a couple of weeks – this in a campervan! We’re really looking forward to this as it’s something we’ve been considering for some time.
And . . . . . we’re not finished yet! We mentioned in the last blog that we’d got some exciting news coming up and we can now confirm that we’ve added a trip to the Cairngorms to our list – it doesn’t happen until February 2021 but this allows us to plan well ahead of what will be a very special trip.
